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shazzasm nous en dit plus

Hi, I'm the author, made an account just to comment ? I couldn't really explain the situation in much detail but it's a little bit more complex than just kicking him out or not... So pretty much this brother is my twin. We're twenty minutes apart and extremely close so the older/younger sibling thing doesn't really apply because we swap a lot. When he's in need, I help as much as I can and vice versa really. Anyways, I recently moved out of home, renting a room at my aunty's to go to uni and my brother decided to apply for a job interview where I was. He was allowed to stay for a couple of days but he just never ended up going home. The house is just big enough for me to live there, so an extra person is a bit of a stretch, I.e. Why he's sleeping in my bed. It was fine at the start but he's started pushing everyone's patience... I would tell him he needs to go home but he's a touch mentally unstable at the moment and I don't wanna rock the boat. I've told my parents but he's avoiding them at the moment because he 'knows' what's best for himself, and there's not much they can do when they're 9 hours away. Everytime I try to approach the subject of you need to go home and back to your job, he kind of explodes so I'm kind of treading carefully. After I posted this, I had a chat with my Aunty, she's cool, and said he was annoying me a little because I'm at uni in the hopes of being a doctor and it's a bit stressful to study when I'm printing him out cvs and other stuff. We talked about it and I ended up telling him I'd help him but he had to have found something by Sunday... His genius solution however wasn't as well thought through as he'd hoped. He got himself a flat but no job so I'm not really sure what's gonna happen next but hopefully it's good! Sorry for the long winded explanation, hope it makes more sense! Thanks