Par clementine_k - 22/03/2009 02:38 - United States
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Thisfailmexican - VDM en favoris
Par BabsZilla - 05/09/2016 00:21 - United States - King City

BabsZilla nous en dit plus
Par Sean - 14/08/2016 04:00 - Canada - Toronto
I'm going to make it awkward
Par Wellthen - Ça date de 2016 mais c'est de la bonne
Par gavthewarealpaca - 16/05/2016 09:36 - United States - Holly
gavthewarealpaca nous en dit plus
Hey everybody, OP here, I love all the puns you have made and the concern. The spring that hit my leg went pretty far in, it chipped a small piece off my femur and the one in my abdomen was only skin deep. I'm currently in the hospital recovering from the surgery to get the little chip of bone out of my leg. I'm doing well and will be out within a few days! Thank you for the publish!!
OP Here. To answer some questions and lay down some facts. My housemate and I lived with my parents for a long time until I turned 18, then we had a house all lined up, and we moved out together about 15 minutes away. Not far, I am still in High School, and I wanted to remain close to my parents. I am of legal age here in Cali, and we are "careful" (Meaning we have safe sex with the pull-out method and birth control) My parents came into our house with the spare key I gave my mother for EMERGENCIES and planted 28 nanny-cams EVERYWHERE! We had to go through every piece of furniture and decor that we have to find them all. She called me literally 5 minutes after we finished having our "fun" to tell me she was watching me. I love my mum, but if this was to "protect" me, that's taking it too far. Thanks for commenting. Needless to say, we only have sex in the bedroom now...