Par back to creepers - 21/12/2013 20:05 - United Kingdom - Worcester
Vous avez le souci du détail. Voilà qui sera apprécié.
Mais quelle jolie bouille ! Vous êtes sexy comme un chaton.
Voter sur une VDM de la catégorie Travail un lundi matin entre 8 h et 9 h. Quelle ironie.
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C'est vraiment gentil de nous aider à faire le tri et ça tombe bien, il y a du boulot !
Tu vois, fiston, modérer les VDM, c'est comme un marathon.
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200 votes je valide, c'est une VDM. C'est la base.
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Quand on aime, on ne compte pas. Déjà 50 VDM dans vos favoris !
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Vous avez obtenu 68 Miaou sur votre profil. Joli !
Par back to creepers - 21/12/2013 20:05 - United Kingdom - Worcester
Par cheyeahh6 - 17/11/2013 22:41 - Australia - Toorak
Par Jenn - 03/07/2013 02:39 - United States - Atlanta
Par killme - 29/12/2012 22:33 - United States - Lewiston
Par Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:31 - United States
Hello! Wow, was NOT expecting this to get published! Just to let you all know what happened in more detail, the guy came through the drive thru around 3am and ordered $80 worth of food. I must have either read the order wrong or counted wrong and put in an extra cheeseburger. When he called back, I picked up, and he verbally abused me for about 2 minutes about how he was feeling sick because of my ignorance and that I should have known better. When I gave the phone to my manager, she listened, then sighed and responded with, "you're an idiot" and hung up. Haha. He then came back and we had to call the police to make him leave because he was clogging up the drive thru. Unfortunately, we've dealt with worse people.