Par chelle - 01/05/2009 17:40 - United States

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Par chelle - 01/05/2009 17:40 - United States
Par megsterr413 - 27/05/2016 04:45 - United States - Springfield
Par Kaibel - 21/05/2016 21:39 - United States - Los Angeles
Hey guys, OP here! Let me give you guys a little back story on the situation: I found out about this because I went on holiday with my best friend, which meant I would be leaving home for the first time WITHOUT my parents ever. On the sixth day, my face broke out horribly and I was feeling very nauseas. When my parents called to check up on me (since I was away in another state) I told them I had been feeling sick all day. One thing led to another, and they eventually confessed what they have been doing all these years (I'm 17 now). My reaction? Yeah, I was pretty pissed off. I hung up on my parents and literally threw my phone against the bed. The sad thing is, when I get really mad I cry, so there were a lot of tears involved as well. I've never had a real boyfriend or anything like that, so I have no idea why they did this. I'm going to see a doctor once I get back home, but until then, I'm going to ignore the calls and texts my parents send me. Thank you guys for all the support c':
Par Anonymous - 20/05/2016 16:59 - United States - Harker Heights
Par Grimmerie - 07/03/2016 09:05 - Canada - Vancouver
Hey everyone! Here's a bit more explanation. Brodie, my little guy, is 13 years old. He's always been anxious but as he gets older it's gotten worse. His body is in great condition but his mind is definitely starting to go. I take him out in the evenings for a long walk to let him get his exercise and also to let him check on his favourite spots in the neighbourhood. In addition to the xanax, he's on an anti-nauseant. I also restrict food about two hours before bedtime, and water half an hour before. He fixates on drinking and can make himself sick that way. Restricting prevents some issues. He lives with my mom, and I usually dont live here, but I'm between apartments and taking care of Brodie while mom is in Australia. Her being away is definitely amping his anxiety. My solution right now is to sleep in my bed until 6 am, when he gets anxious, and then we both go downstairs and I sleep another couple hours on the couch while he naps near the door. It's uncomfortable but that way he settles, and considering he's this old I don't mind indulging him. I'm taking him back to the vet today to talk about more treatment options or adjusting his dose. Sorry for the novel, and thanks everyone for the suggestions!
hey guys, op here. I'm having a hard time posting my comment for some reason. but thanks for the feedback we mended the problem. and for the record we always play video games together but he was playing a single player game I couldn't exactly join in , I wasn't interested in playing my game or anything else really but him. he realized he was a bit in sensitive and has since made up for it and apologized. he also said he did come looking for me but he felt bad waking me up. we have been married happily for 6 years now and it was a small very minor bump in the road. thanks for all your concern though