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sangoskywalker nous en dit plus

Hi guys, OP here. First I want to say how amazing you all are, and to thank you for your hilarious comments. I feel like I should be saying something about how I didn't expect this to be published, but since getting an FML published is the point of submitting it, I won't. For reference, the "position" we were discussing would actually make him not my boss anymore, so to 2, 4, 5, 6 & 7--no. And shit, 11, I'm sorry! Mine was just awkward not scary! 13, I personally think he's very attractive, have since I joined his team, but everyone has their own tastes. Finally, yes, it is still awkward even days later. Thanks!

Ozomulsion nous en dit plus

Thanks for all the support... And the music puns. Definitely got a few laughs out of me! I figure I should give a little bit more in-depth explanation of what happened, considering the 300 character limit on an FML submission. I have been part of this symphony for 3 years and I was about to go into my forth season. It's a local community symphony, so I wasn't getting payed over it, but it was my only connection to a real symphony and the only one within at lest an hour and a half drive as far as a I know. Anyways, I had mentioned to my conductor that I WASN'T going off to college, and that I would "See you next season" earlier this May. Apparently he forgot and didn't bother to even contact me to double check and just replaced me. The woman who plays first chair informed him of his mistake and immediately contacted me over it, but apparently the replacement player is already committed to the entire one-year season and he cannot be removed, which I understand. I do not in the slightest believe my conductor purposely ousted me because we had no qualms and he apparently liked my playing; I think it was due to a genuine but rather foolish mistake. I'll still have plenty of playing opportunities as I am a professional jazz musician and I play out all around my state and neighboring states on a weekly basis with my band, and I'm likely about to create a classical trio for weddings, but I'm still going to miss it. This is the reason I didn't go in to college for music, because I was already playing out and making a living doing jazz and I figured I would be able to further my playing through actual in-field experience and learning as opposed to going away into a college.