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lolhailsatan nous en dit plus

lolhailsatan 23

Hey, OP here. First off I want to thank everyone who gave me advice, it really means a lot. I'm in highschool still, so it's really difficult to get help without dragging my folks into this (which I really don't want to do) so honestly, every bit of advice helps! As for my friend, this was not a "looking for the positives to make you feel better" thing, it was definitely a "weight loss is always good no matter the method" thing. I am average weight, and honestly not really looking to lose any pounds right now, so the "compliment" wasn't taken by me in a good way, nor do I think it should have. I am constantly physically hungry, but the thought of eating often sickens me, and whenever I can stomach food, it's in small, unfulfilling amounts. It sucks, I have no energy, and my stomach is growling all the time. So yeah, this is is not a good weight loss method haha. However, I talked this through with my friend, and she now understands that what she said isn't helpful. In fact she now is one of the most caring people for me whenever I am having problems. I'm glad I chose to explain things to her a bit more:) Anyway, sorry this is so long winded! Thanks again for the advice and the kind words

ephram17 nous en dit plus

OP here. Thankfully, he understood that both were accidents. I apologized for both and he wasn't mad. He does however enjoy making me feel a little guilty with some good natured teasing about it.