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countryb_cth nous en dit plus

countryb_cth 38

OP here, wow I can't believe this actually got posted. I want to say thank you for the kind words, it was deffinatly nerve racking. To clear some things up, no we did not call the cops. The reason is once I heard the phone go off I woke up my mom and she turned on all the outside lights scaring whoever it was off. (I could tell because their phone went off again but that time the sound was farther away) Also I could tell it was a cell phone from how close it was and ring tones are easy to recognize. For the people saying it could be someone passing through, I highly doubt it since my back yard is fenced and my neighbors are not close together at all. However we are thinking it might be just some teenagers, since when housing construction was going on across the road from us some teens snuck into the unfinished houses, so it could be just them. Thankfully though my parents lock up the gates to the back yard and have a motion sensor camera set up that sends a message to your phone when triggered. We also own 3 dogs, one of which is a great dane. He's a big baby but his bark sure is scary. We hope the person doesn't come back again, if they do we will be calling the cops. There has only ever been one break in the neighborhood and we hope to keep it that way.

mousiepie nous en dit plus

well, it was a contracting job. I've had weak wrists all my life but I normally just wear wrist braces and I do just fine. I hadn't wanted to say anything but also having still been new, I figured the bulk of the pain was from the repetitive motions from a 12 hour shift and that once I had been there a while, most of the pain would disappear. When my coworkers noticed the pain from my hands not working properly they suggested the nurse and I asked if she can provide a wrist wrap. They then said I needed to talk to my supervisor before the nurse and being a medical facility, they stated that they can't say they care about saving lives and the safety of the employees if they allow me to get hurt. They then directed me to my contracting supervisor who stated they will find a clerical type job for me. I just felt lame for the fact that for once I was told I couldn't perform a job because I might injure myself. :/ I appreciate the support and kindness though. Thank you.