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À propos de Jamesc096

the average human of new york. anime is life. and food. always food.

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snazz23 nous en dit plus

Because I would have to go 30 miles out of my way to get her, and take her 30 miles out of my way to take her home. So that's 60 miles total....on my wedding day.

HappyItalian nous en dit plus

OP here! Let me explain the situation: The reason why I did not notice my last name being misspelt for so long was because 1. The only way you could see it is if you went to a certain section of your online banking 2. It was just ONE letter off, and I have a very long last name so of course I didn't notice at first I actually came into the bank that day and told them both my problems (that my name was misspelt and that I had lost my card). I don't know why but FML rewrote/reworded my FML so they left out some things. The reason why I couldn't remember my last purchase was because I have a short-term memory problem, so even I have to check online almost on a daily basis what purchases I make. I told them this and they refused to accept that, so I gave them an answer: "I must've bought food, because that's the only thing I remember spending money on this week". And yes, the answer WAS food! They just thought that that was too vague to accept. I gave them all forms of ID I had, including my SS card, but they wouldn't accept it because of the misspelt name. I tried asking them if I could answer my security questions my account asks every time I log in, but they said that "doesn't count" because their online, phone, and in-bank banking are all different from each other. So in conclusion they just shrugged and told me to come back again tomorrow.