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À propos de Jassy_thoxx

Hey, I'm Jassy . I have green eyes , Love the color purple (not the movie. it's sad AF ), Love boy's, I'm partially health conscious, I Fuk'n love to travel, Drake and The weeknd are my #1 artists but I like boy bands too.... Sorry .I'm a major daddy's girl and that won't change. I would tell 'ya more but that would be me wasting my time venting to random's . So byee

Jassy_thoxx - Suiveurs

Jassy_thoxx - Suivi

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faitoh nous en dit plus

Um, OP here. Scared to reply because of the abuse I've been getting but obviously I deserved it, I know that. 1. I guess I posted it as an FML because I realised how much of a dick/arsehole/****/wanker I'd been... 2. The guy wasn't cycling to the side like he should have been, he was more out to the middle. I just lost my cool to be honest, if he doesn't care about his safety by doing that, why should I bother about not making him jump? (unpopular opinion obviously...) 3. I should probably point out that this was a quiet road, I was the only car, otherwise I wouldn't have done it, which may be surprising to some of you... 4. He caught up to me because I slowed back down to normal speed after about 30 seconds. Guess he was stronger than I thought. 5. I KNOW I'm a colossal twat. But I still hate cyclists. Some of them are SO up their own arses. Having said that, I WILL NEVER EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS AGAIN.