

À propos de Kiss98367

Hey, my name is Nicole. Born and raised in Port Orchard, Washington. I live to hunt, fish, and go ATVing. I'm a total outdoors girl and I shoot sporting clays competitively. My favorite brand is Browning. I'd rather be out getting muddy than going to some fancy dinner or out on the town. I'm down to Earth and easy to talk to. I love to laugh and have a good time. Anything else you want to know, just ask ;)

Kiss98367 - Suiveurs

Kiss98367 - Suivi

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Kiss98367 - VDM en favoris

kiss98367 nous en dit plus

Haha, thanks for the support everyone. To add to my FML story, my ex knew by our third date that I go shooting. I found out from our mutual friend that he didn't think I was "cheap and dangerous" until his ex before me (at a party where I was unable to attend) started talking trash when she overheard him telling a couple of buddies that I shoot targets and reload my own shells. I'm 22, I have a full time job, and I have my own 2 bd apartment and a truck payment (among other bills). If I can save a little money, I will. Traveling for competitions and entry fees can get expensive. The thing that makes me laugh is his ex is my age, works about 15 hours a week, and has all her bills paid by her parents (she doesn't go to school or anything either). She uses the cash she earns to buy expensive clothing and what not (which according to her, I could "never afford"). Sorry I have different priorities in my life? Lol. As an update, two of my ex's friends (and yes, this includes his best friend) have asked me out since our breakup. My ex also sent a txt to me this morning saying that he messed up. I guess his friends talked some sense in to him. It's too late though. Goes to show that you probably shouldn't take advice from a jealous ex girlfriend. Just saying.