Time is a flat circle
Par Off to Canada - Ça date de 2016 mais c'est de la bonne - Hong Kong - Kowloon
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Par Off to Canada - Ça date de 2016 mais c'est de la bonne - Hong Kong - Kowloon
Par NordicNathan - 14/03/2016 04:49 - Canada - Burlington
Par idontlikebitter - 08/03/2016 21:10 - Switzerland - Klingnau
Par Puddlepop - 01/03/2016 09:20 - United States - Santa Cruz
Par ScaredOfClowns - 31/12/2015 16:40 - United Kingdom - Brighton
(I didn't know how to get it to comment as the OP...) For those of you who are asking how I didn't know, she had never brought it up in conversation. We only recently started dating and she hadn't mentioned it at all. She knew that I was afraid of clowns and admitted later on that she thought I was kidding. I guess it could be worse, when I made an excuse to leave and we talked about it later, she suggest we stay at my place instead.
Hey, I'm the author of the FML. So to clarify I just turned 16, she just turned 17 and is in the 12th grade. I've had my doubts about our relationship for a while because of how incompatible we are as people, but her talking about what she wants to name our kids and how cute they will be was kind of the last straw for me. She said "I love you" after our second time seeing each other and after she had already cheated on me, so I definitely hear all the comments about telling her my concerns and/or breaking up with her. But she cries at the drop of a hat and is what I would consider emotionally unstable, this is also the reason I didn't break up with her after she cheated on me. I wasn't raised to make people cry so I tried to be understanding in the situation. She is so bad that she is still crying about her previous boyfriend while telling me that I'm the best boyfriend ever. So I don't know how to break it to her without crushing her. Any ideas?