

À propos de Candyolympics

Pokémon Master since 2008.

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Modérateur en herbe

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Quand on aime, on ne compte pas. Déjà 50 VDM dans vos favoris !


Pas une ni deux mais bien 50 pages lues dans la catégorie Sexe. Nous ne ferons pas de commentaire.

C'est dans la boîte

Mais quelle jolie bouille ! Vous êtes sexy comme un chaton.

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Je valide, ma souris fonctionne

200 votes je valide, c'est une VDM. C'est la base.

100 commentaires de qualité

100 de vos commentaires ne sont ni enterrés ni modérés. Quel plébiscite !

Un de plus et c'est le tête à queue

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Apprenti espion – niveau Johnny English

Vous suivez 50 personnes

Maitre espion – niveau OSS117

Vous suivez 100 personnes

Un nouveau Pouce

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : dieu ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : maître ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : apprenti ninja

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50 réponses de qualité

Aider son prochain, c'est beau. Le faire sans être enterré ou modéré, c'est encore mieux.

Le Retour du Pouce

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Le Pouce contre-attaque

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Maître du TLBM

C'était donc votre 500e vote - tu l'as bien mérité -. Nous nous prosternons.

Dieu espion – niveau 007

Vous suivez 200 personnes

La liste des badges à trouver

Candyolympics - VDM en favoris

creepermagnet nous en dit plus

creepermagnet 0

Let me tell you the rest of the story: this actually happened a couple months ago, but I just discovered this site. First off, there was NO second date. My God. Right after he said that, I told him I wanted to go home (he had driven, and I didn't have a car or any way to get home). He then asked if I wanted to go to the woods so he could "do things to me." I told him no, going home would be fine. He took me home and I called him and told him I never wanted to see him again. For half an hour, he tried to convince me to see him again, but I eventually just hung up. For a month or so he called me every day but I didn't answer. Finally, I grew tired of this and I answered the phone. I told him he was really scaring me and he needed to stop trying to contact me. He told me, "I was falling in love with you but they all laughed at me!" (Mind you, I do not know who "they" are. Nor do I wish to know). I told him I was very sorry, but he had to stop calling me or I would contact the police. He then said to me, "Where is the darkness??? Why do you paint me as a demon when I just want to show you the light???" I haven't spoken to him since.

MissyPants nous en dit plus

I am the op of this FML and I hope it shows that but let me explain this a little further. My soon to be ex husband has been cheating on me for the last few months of my pregnancy. I noticed the changes in him but I hoped it was just nerves over the baby. I actually caught him about three weeks before I went into labor and threw him out. I had planned on letting him be there when I gave birth to our baby girl but he didn't answer my calls. My mother was with me so I wasn't alone but I really thought he would want to see the birth of his first child. I have filed for divorce and have no problem being a single parent. He makes me physically ill at the moment but I have tried to be civil for our babies sake. I want him to be in her life because she deserves a dad but I can't force him to be one. I'm thrilled to be a mom no matter the circumstances and me and my daughter will be ok no matter what. Thank you all for the funny, sweet, and even mean comments; they make my day a little better.