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Miaouté !

Ishunsui - Ses badges VDM

Le Pouce contre-attaque

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Le Retour du Pouce

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : apprenti ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : maître ninja

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Fervent lecteur — Niveau : dieu ninja

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Un de plus et c'est le tête à queue

Vous avez obtenu 68 Miaou sur votre profil. Joli !

La liste des badges à trouver

Ishunsui - VDM en favoris

Yapanesedidwhat nous en dit plus

Yapanesedidwhat 0

All the employees in our store have to 'shop' with our customers. That includes showing them different styles, starting up fitting rooms for them AND offering our opinions WHEN asked to by customers. She tried on an out fit and she asked her husband AND me (since you know.. I do 'work' in a CLOTHING STORE)..for our opinions. Since her husband didn't say anything.. I looked over to see why he was so quiet. Instead of paying attention to his wife.. he was too busy eyeing me like a creep while licking his lips. It doesn't take a genious to figure out what his d--k head was thinking. And what was I doing "IN" the fitting room.. uh have you never seen people WORKING by the fitting rooms? Ever stop to think she came OUT of the fitting room to show her outfit?....jjeeeeezzz people....