

À propos de Writergirl23

My name is Sophia, I'm an identical twin, though we aren't so identical any more. I'm married and have a gorgeous baby son. I'm an aspiring writer :) I write novel length stuff, anything shorter I can't, need the length. Was homeschooled for the last 4 years in A.C.E. which was the best thing I could have done, considering before I was homeschooled, I couldn't tell you what a pronoun is, which was bad, you know, wanting to be a writer. I am married to the most awesome man ever!! He is 25, and is gonna go far in life. He had a hard start though, his parents waited 16 years for him, then had a hellish pregnancy with him with a lot of the time from 6 weeks on spent in hospital, waters broke at 22 weeks pregnant, managed to keep him in till 26 weeks (which by the way in 1988 was the 23 weeks now but worse). Only New Zealand had the technology to save him, and had only had it for 3 years. Photo is of me back when my son was small, and I was twenty.

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Tasha_1996 nous en dit plus

Hello everyone. I didn't know my FML got posted until now. This was more to express what an idiot I am than to be told I'm an idiot. For people asking questions, I'm 16 and live in Saskatchewan. A small town where there's **** all to do. There is nothing wrong with my mothers parenting, I respect her for coming to get me and grounding me. I was grounded for another month after this happened and am going to addictions councelling starting the New year. I was out last night, first night off of grounding again and didn't have a sip of alcohol. Originally, I wasn't going to comment. But I figured you guys deserved an update. Yes I deserved it.