Angelica Ballard


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50 réponses de qualité

Aider son prochain, c'est beau. Le faire sans être enterré ou modéré, c'est encore mieux.

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Angelica ballard - VDM en favoris

lolhailsatan nous en dit plus

lolhailsatan 23

Hey, OP here. First off I want to thank everyone who gave me advice, it really means a lot. I'm in highschool still, so it's really difficult to get help without dragging my folks into this (which I really don't want to do) so honestly, every bit of advice helps! As for my friend, this was not a "looking for the positives to make you feel better" thing, it was definitely a "weight loss is always good no matter the method" thing. I am average weight, and honestly not really looking to lose any pounds right now, so the "compliment" wasn't taken by me in a good way, nor do I think it should have. I am constantly physically hungry, but the thought of eating often sickens me, and whenever I can stomach food, it's in small, unfulfilling amounts. It sucks, I have no energy, and my stomach is growling all the time. So yeah, this is is not a good weight loss method haha. However, I talked this through with my friend, and she now understands that what she said isn't helpful. In fact she now is one of the most caring people for me whenever I am having problems. I'm glad I chose to explain things to her a bit more:) Anyway, sorry this is so long winded! Thanks again for the advice and the kind words

fishyrael nous en dit plus

OP here, didn't expect to actually get published! Backstory, it's a college Intro class that I have to take before I can branch off into the Fiction classes (it's my major with intent to teach Fiction writing myself at university level). My professor has a PhD in Poetry. The first half of the class was poetry, and this last half of the semester is fiction. The problem is she has no interest in seeing her fiction-oriented students succeed, and from her feedback on my stories, I'm fairly certain she's not even reading them from feedback like not being able to tell two different characters with different names were not the same person. But I digress. The student's story we were workshopping was about an nonathletic person going mountain climbing with his athletic friend, Charles. Charles spends the whole story pushing the protagonist forward and encouraging him, "You can do it!" and "We're almost there!" She tried to tell us Charles HAD to be the antagonist because he was the only other character in the story. So I called her out and told her the antagonist is whatever force that drives the conflict forward, as well as explaining the concept of Man vs Man, Man vs Self, Man vs Nature, etcetera. This woman is a college professor for ***** sake.