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À propos de Cailey1234567890

I cant explain me. But i got kicked off a merry go round once. That should give you a pretty good idea of who i am. :D

Cailey1234567890 - Suiveurs

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Cailey1234567890 - Ses badges VDM


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Pas une ni deux mais bien 50 pages lues dans la catégorie Sexe. Nous ne ferons pas de commentaire.

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Cailey1234567890 - VDM en favoris

Deweyboy nous en dit plus

Hey guys, OP Here. I don't hate my job. My boss works awesomely with my schedule, I make a ton of money, and I work with a bunch of good people. I try my best to welcome everyone who comes in when I'm at the lead register, but my store can get about 8-900 customers a day, so my welcomes can be a little reflexive. I had just gotten up that morning, after working a 9 hour shift the night before, with a 7 hour shift ahead of me. I heard the cat push the door open, and I said it half-asleep with my siblings all around the table.

superspy3214 nous en dit plus

OP here, first of all I'm still in school making A's in my honors courses and secondly it was neither human nor dog shit, apparently a guy brought his kid into the theater to see Paranormal Activity and the kid got so scared he threw up then dumped his popcorn and mozzarella sticks on the ground

sophiilou nous en dit plus

sophiilou 19

Wow, it got published! Wasn't expecting that. For starters, let me just announce NO BROKEN BONES! HALLELUJAH! Seriously is a miracle. Just a super bruised foot. Second, just to give you an idea, this particular mate is the head honcho if my barn. She thinks she is just queen of the world lol. She hates getting her girth out on, and she knows when it's out. When you hook it up on one side (so it isn't even on yet) she gets PISSED. So that day she decided to just step on me and not move, no matter what I did. I didn't clarify that I did punch her in the shoulder, but this mare, dear lord, she just does not care. That's when she shifted ALL of her weight onto that foot. I wasn't wearing my (much more protective) barn boots because I was late for my lesson and needed to hurry. So instead of grooming and tacking in my barn boots I had my tall boots on. I've actually been bitten by the same mare, for the same reason (girth), and that was probably an even more awful bruise than my foot! I seriously don't know how I get away with just bruises. And I know what you're thinking, "Why do you keep working with her when she injures you 24/7?!" Well, she's an amazing horse, just very sassy lol. Also, to whoever said they had no sympathy for me because I owned a lot of horses so hospital bills would not be a problem, you're just dumb. I could've been forever crippled, and you said you have no sympathy? I could've been forced to never compete again. And you have no sympathy? Wow. I'm not on here looking for everyone's sympathy, don't get me wrong, I actually found the whole incident hilarious. But that was EXTREMELY inconsiderate of you to say that. Thanks for all the good wishes!!!! Smushed Sophie out! :) -OP