

À propos de Steffi90

I am 24, live in the UK and work in a pub :) i am in a relationship, he is my best friend and means so much to me. I have two gorgeous little boys who are my world :)

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darawbs nous en dit plus

darawbs 0

Haha I'm glad I entertained you.

xtinasky1 nous en dit plus

Apparently mommy can't go to the bathroom, because that's where I was for a whole 2 minutes while he did it.

kelbel89 nous en dit plus

Hey guys. This is the full scoop. My father is about 5'9'' and my boyfriend is 6'4''. My dad was going to intimidate him in anyway he could. He started the night off by answering the door and telling my BF that I was out on my real date for the night. Obviously, my dad has a very dry sense of humor. I don't think he was actually going to send what he collected to a lab, but he didn't crack a smile the whole time it was going on. I tried to stop him, multiple times, at which point my dad said that my boyfriend was lucky he couldn't find any latex gloves that day because it meant he was going to have to skip the prostate exam. My mother was there and thought it was hilarious. My boyfriend is wonderful and rolled with the punches. He took it very well and we are still together. :) Many of you asked if my dad works in law enforcement. Nope, he's just a Texan (which I feel I should point out my boyfriend is not). My father is incredibly proud of himself, I think even more so now that so many of the comments were in his favor. I was, and still am, absolutely mortified.