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À propos de Shavednipples

I like a lot of things, including but not limited to: grey's anatomy the office parks and recreation bones weeds orange is the new black 30 rock the wytches la dispute the black keys pink floyd lynyrd skynyrd alice in chains purity ring odezsa j. cole hermitude

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Kaibel nous en dit plus

Hey guys, OP here! Let me give you guys a little back story on the situation: I found out about this because I went on holiday with my best friend, which meant I would be leaving home for the first time WITHOUT my parents ever. On the sixth day, my face broke out horribly and I was feeling very nauseas. When my parents called to check up on me (since I was away in another state) I told them I had been feeling sick all day. One thing led to another, and they eventually confessed what they have been doing all these years (I'm 17 now). My reaction? Yeah, I was pretty pissed off. I hung up on my parents and literally threw my phone against the bed. The sad thing is, when I get really mad I cry, so there were a lot of tears involved as well. I've never had a real boyfriend or anything like that, so I have no idea why they did this. I'm going to see a doctor once I get back home, but until then, I'm going to ignore the calls and texts my parents send me. Thank you guys for all the support c':

leafynitemare nous en dit plus

Your comments are hilarious. I love the murderer theories. First off, for those guessing this is walmart, you're correct! I almost died laughing. Okay, he had handed me a receipt and I noticed a drop of blood in it. I had just had a red pen leak and thought it was from that. Then I looked at the box. And I stood there going "ummmm...whats going on?" And the old man holds up his arm showing a nickel sized cut that is bleeding profusely. I wasn't sure how to handle such a situation. It's not every day someone tries to return something with blood all over it. So I excused myself to seek a manager. The manager didn't believe me at first. But I told him again and he realized I was serious. After he saw the box in question, he said to the man that he would not even allow me to touch the box. The man was very angry, citing that he had the receipt and everything that came with it. No, I never opened the box. I didn't touch it at all. He tried to get other customers on his side but one said "dude that's blood. I don't blame them. People are touchy about blood. You never know." And then he suggested I should be extra careful because I appeared to be pregnant (which I am not, just really bloated). The old man said "yeah alright" and left without further incident. I went to tell the managers about the second part (where I came back and he was wiping off the box) and they smiled in disbelief and the higher manager said "yeah, we're never returning that" which meant more work for me having to put notes on the registers letting the others know we are not going to return it and why.

headinabag33 nous en dit plus

Hey...OP here. So in this theatre there are two curtains. The second one (more up stage, away from the audience) has been broken. So we just open both curtains, since the second one never opens. We perform in front of it and it's no big deal. We get some great lighting off it really, and once we had someone stand back there and shake it and looked cool. Someone fixed the second curtain without telling us. The actors were having sex behind the "broken" curtain and it opened. No one told them to stop because they were quiet, and no one wants to tell people to quit having sex... So anyway, there it is.

shavednipples nous en dit plus

Hey y'all! Just to clarify, my brother is the same age as me (we're twins). When I told him I wasn't going to like his post (it was just a video of a fireworks show), he took a chicken breast and slapped me. We were preparing chicken for dinner that night, so it was already out and thawed. I did end up getting salmonella, however, I'm not sure if it was from the slap or from eating the chicken itself at dinner. Either way, it was shitty. Also, about my username, I use it for a lot of social media accounts and I've had this account for a while. I know if you don't have an account, you can choose a name to post it under and it usually has to do with the post, but that wasn't the case here. Cheers!!